“In Iran, women are not allowed to sing solo, following the 1979 revolution,” says Magnum Photographer →
I’m very aware that I’m probably going to sound like an elitist photography blogger in this →
“In a way, I could say that my photographic identity would be ‘the messenger,’ always eager →
Let’s talk about street photography and photo editing. It’s a topic that’s sure to divide opinions; →
As it’s Women’s History Month, we’re going to uplift some of our favorite female photographers. We’ll →
When I founded The Phoblographer 13 years ago, I cared heavily about equality. That term has →
I mean, who else makes a good 80-300mm f2. 8 equivalent lens? There are lots of →
The Phoblographer’s Cheap Photo deals posts are designed to focus on giving you some of the →
I had no desire to be a portrait photographer when I started learning photography in college. →
There are lots of offerings from Samyang and Rokinon on sale right now. Just so you →
“It’s just the matter of making them feel you can connect to them,” says Indian photographer →
One of our favorite lenses for the Nikon Z system is their 40mm f2. It’s small, →
I’ve had the privilege of spending several years in Latin America. From North, Central, and South, →
There are some reports going around that Sony is considering squeezing Fujifilm out of the medium →
If there is something to be excited for, it’s that the Fujifilm GFX 50R rebate is →
The Sony G Master Lens Lineup are the best offerings Sony makes. If you’re a Canon →
Imagine being able to get the kind of bokeh and depth of field with your full-frame →
“Then, over time, I realized that there was nothing to understand,” says photographer Silvia Alessi about →
Hey folks,. Thanks so much for the applications so far! We’re accepting others! The Phoblographer had →
Take a look at our review of the Fujifilm 50mm f3. 5 for the GFX system. →
If you shoot portraits and use the Nikon camera system, then you’re probably really happy. The →
If an app version is incremented by a whole number, this usually indicates that many new →
A few years ago, photographer Pat Rose found her perfect pandemic photo project. “Deb uses a →
We’re back again with another episode of Inside the Photographer’s Mind, and this week we’re turning →
The 85mm lens is highly regarded by many photographers. It’s useful for things like portrait photography, →
I’ve always really liked the Lensbaby line of products. Some of my favorite images I’ve shot →
When it comes to camera bags, I’m incredibly proud of the work we’ve done here at →
There’s a trend amongst the photography community to start moving towards 40mm lenses. They’re the perfect →
“I somehow see Plexus as a portrait project – a portrait of what has faded, and →
If you’re a fan of landscape photography, then you’re probably aware of the feature on Olympus →