Nikon D850 vs Canon 5D Mark IV – Comparison

Let’s have a brief look at the main features of Nikon D850 vs Canon 5D Mark IV. So what may be the main differences when consider their specs list?

As you can see from the table below, Nikon D850 beats the Canon 5D Mark IV pretty much on every major spec. That’s because Nikon’s new DSLR competes more with the Canon 5DS R rather than the Canon 5D Mark IV. On the other hand, both cameras almost has the same price tag around $3,200. So we’ve decided to take a quick look at the comparison sheet of specs.

If you’re looking to upgrade to a camera with full frame sensor, the Nikon D850 vs Canon 5D Mark IV comparison covers all the important specifications of each camera.

Nikon D850 has a larger viewfinder, better storage media options, 9 fps burst shooting with the grip, better AF system and range, 4K video without any cropping, a tilting LCD screen, superior battery life and a lower price tag.

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