Canon Rebel T7 vs Canon T6 vs Canon T100 – Comparison

Looking for a Canon Rebel T7 vs Canon T6 vs Canon T100 comparison? Read our detailed specs comparison of the Canon EOS 2000D / REBEL T7 vs Canon EOS 1300D / EOS Rebel T6 vs Canon EOS 4000D / REBEL T100 cameras.

The Canon EOS Rebel T7, also called the EOS 2000D and KISS X90 in certain locales, is another iteration in Canon’s long and mature line of ultra-popular entry-level DSLR cameras.

As expected, each Rebel successor is better than the previous model it (eventually) replaces and the upgrade list for the Rebel T7 uses the same 24 MP imaging sensor found in most of Canon’s APS-C format DSLR and MILC lineup such as the EOS 80D and EOS M50.

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