Canon 6D Mark II vs 7D Mark II vs 80D – Comparison

Here’s our Canon 6D Mark II vs 7D Mark II vs 80D comparison. Let’s see how the latest Canon 6D Mark II full-frame DSLR compares to the APS-c sensor 7D Mark II and 80D.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Canon 80D

The EOS 7D Mark II is Canon’s most advanced APS-C camera. It is aimed at sports, wildlife and action photographers. Even the camera was announced 3 years ago, it has advanced features like Af system and burst speed.

Newer sensor on 6D Mark II should deliver better noise performance. As it comes with the latest generation sensor technology and image processing.

Here is our Canon 6D Mark II vs 7D Mark II vs 80D comparison for more details.

Differences between Canon 6D Mark II vs 7D Mark II vs 80D DSLR Cameras

If you’re trying to decide which one to buy as your first camera, here are the differences of Canon 6D Mark II vs 7D Mark II vs 80D. Our comparison table below covers all the important specifications like sensor, image size, shooting speed, lcd size etc..

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